This is a collection of the Add-On Applications, HowTo Pages, Documents,
Code Snippets, and other contributions from the openMosix
Community. These may be packaged tools for installation or use,
GUI interfaces, special patches or work-a-rounds, or perhaps just a
helpful explanation.
Matthias Rechenburg
is an openMosix-cluster management GUI.
The openMosixview suite contains useful applications
for monitoring and administrating
cluster. fmII
CHeckPOinting for linuX, CHPOX, provides Checkpointing for
openMosix. CHPOX is SMP safe, works as kernel module, and needs
no patch, recompilation, or relinking.
It transparently dumps the state of specified process (or process group)
into a disk file. The processes may be restarted from that file at the
point they were dumped. For now it supports: virtual memory, CPU & FPU
registers, regular files, terminal state, current directory,
pipes, Unix sockets, and multiple non-interacting processes.
Enrico has documented and shared his scripts for building and
maintaining an openMosix cluster that uses many of our openMosix
Community's contributions. Hydra adds a simple
queuing script to manage process submission and provide
automatic CHeckPOinting for
linuX. Hydra even takes a Checkpoint as the
UPS shuts down the cluster during a power failure.
Matt's Review and How To (with examples) for Olexander Sudakov and Eugeniy Meshcheryakov's CHPOX,
CHeckPOinting for
provides a basic, step-by-step process for installing a working openMosix cluster, using only an off-the-shelf Linux distribution [Fedora Core 1 (Yarrow)] and two 2.4.26 openMosix
Includes numerous screenshots, hints for resolving openMosix config issues and network config issues.
gomd is a daemon which executes commands and gathers information from the nodes of an openMosix cluster.
This is a complete C/C++ rewrite (plus extension) of the Java openMosixInfoServer daemon from Gian Paolo Ghilardi's openMosixApplet. The gomd library will support C/C++ and Java monitoring
applications such as openMosixView, openMosixApplet,
openMosixWebView, and 3dmosmon.
The gomd Team includes Johnny Cache, Mirko Caserta, Massimo Fierro, Gian Paolo Ghilardi, Ramon Pons Vivanco, Brian Pontz,
Roel Baardman, Michael Imhof, Wim Vandersmissen, Marco Marocco, Higor Alves, and Matthias
Rechenburg. The project is still seeking additional core
developers, contrib developers (to provide interfaces/classes interacting with gomd in
any language), and beta testers.
The project is mainly targeted at those who develop monitoring software for openMosix
clusters, but super-users will find use for the programming API as
well. Binary and source packages for Mandrake, Redhat, SuSE
and Debian. Also there is an ebuild for Gentoo available.
For the Linux newbie, these user friendly
HOWTOs will help you create an openMosix cluster using diskless
Gentoo Linux nodes. Reviewed by Sven Vermeulen and Xavier
Translations are available for: openMosix Cluster on
Gentoo (HowTo)
openMosix Cluster on Gentoo
openMosix Cluster på Gentoo
Grappe de calcul openMosix et Gentoo
openMosix Cluster unter Gentoo
openMosix e nodi Diskless
Кластер openMosix
на Gentoo
Spanish: openMosix y Nodos sin disco
Also consider a Google site
search. e.g., openMosix fr site: for other
languages and documents.
Translations are available
for: Diskless Nodes with Gentoo (HowTo)
Diskless Nodes with Gentoo
Gentoo sur des machines sans disque
Diskfrie noder med Gentoo
Postazioni diskless usando Gentoo Linux
No, you need not change your programs to use openMosix. But, this documentation about the
openMosix API (Application Programming Interface) will explain in detail what you need to know to create your own openMosix applications such as Matt's openMosixview.
Examples are provided in several "common-languages" (shell, perl, php, c/c++). You will find functions which you can use directly in your code. It will also enhance your knowledge about your cluster and help you with administration.
The openMosix stress-test runs several programs to check the
functionality and stability of the whole system. When the
testing completes, a detailed report about each tested component
will be generated.
A comprehensive Russian language review of openMosix related
documents that is intended to be a guide to openMosix. This paper
is concerned with the principles of openMosix functioning, usage and configuration, plus results of performance testing, many examples, comments, and the author's experience.
D. Aaron Freed a.k.a. Vance
Morgan - KludgeKollection
This collection of shell-scripts and programs for
openMosix includes automation of the answer for two most
frequently asked questions, setting up password-less ssh and rsh.
do_ssh is the centerpiece of the KludgeKollection. It
enables password-less ssh for ONE user on a host. It is
designed to be run by any user on a host, and it enables password-less
access to all the hosts listed in do_ssh_host for only the user
running the program.
Aaron and Vance encourage you to submit your own
programs to the KludgeKollection!
A PHP script for
monitoring an openMosix cluster via the WEB. Uses
openMosixview's openMosixCollector logs.
With this patch to enable BLAST to run without several conflicting
features enabled by default, openMosix provides a transparent and
very convenient mechanism for migrating BLAST processes across the
cluster and load balancing without needing to link in special
libraries or re-engineer existing code.
The popular LTSP-MOSIX Ported to
This document will provide details (via an example set-up) of
combining the openMosix 2.4.18-4 clustering system with the K12LTSP
2.1.1 distribution, an innovative GNU/Linux
distribution based on RedHat 7.3
& LTSP 3.0.x (a set of Open
Source software packages from the Linux
Terminal Server Project that makes diskless workstations
Includes such topics as how to deal with the gcc version issue,
plus lots of useful reference information for Gentoo.
RPM packages are now available for setting
VERSION 1.1b 11/3/2002 installs openMosix 2.4.18-4 on a K12LTSP
2.1.1 server.
HowTo plus useful information on LTSP client node, FAQ, cluster
type, SETI@home and
the openMosix/Mosix story. The .pdf version does not require Chinese Character Set to view.
Ding has a very well documented this
LTSP 3.0.1 + openMosix 2.4.18-2 installation with photos of his
cluster, screen prints, and more.
User Mode openMosix is a virtual openMosix cluster running in User-mode.
Jean Laganiere - RxLinux
RxLinux centralizes configuration and management of multiple openMosix linux
servers. New servers can be deployed in minutes. A web interface is used to
build custom iso cdrom dedicated for specific servers. Server, also called
rxnodes, boot up from that cdrom and get the rest of configuration and
software from a master server. No administration is done directly on
Andrew Balaam - Sussex openMosix Cluster Project (SoMCP)
was founded to build a supercomputer from the computer resources surrounding us at the University of Sussex.
3dmosmon is a three dimensional replacement for the mosmon program. It comes with a
client-server model so that users don't actually have to run an
OpenGL app on the cluster.
This is the official openMosix HOWTO translated to Japanese.
This is the official
openMosix HOWTO translated to Russian.
Spanish translation of the openMosix HOWTO.
This is Luca Fabbro's
Cyber Games page documenting the creation of the Kraken openMosix
Game Cluster hardware plus Carlo Daffara's paper presented at the
first openMosix User Group Meeting covering the
Migrating a multithreaded program using a POSIX-compliant user-space library called "FSU-Pthread library".
The whole process (with its threads) was migrated, not just a single thread!
Includes Gian Paolo's test notes.
openMosixApplet is a simple Java monitoring tool
for openMosix. fmII
MAASK stands for Maya, Anu, Asmita, Snehal, Krushna, the
developers of Migshm. Also popularly known as MAASK, the Geek
Girls;), who a are students of Cummins College of Engineering,
University of Pune, India. Migshm is available for test
clusters and is showing great promise.
Kris gives us an easy way to apply the MigSHM patch. (This is an
additional patch to the openMosix kernel patch.)
It is a "shoot+migrate"
game for "funny administration" (....
and funny adminstrators)
It is created by tweaking the orignal "perlblaster"
from "David's Perl Games"
Ernst Rohlicek jun. - wmomload
wmomload is a simple, but handy and small dockapp for overviewing
the load of cluster nodes in a small openMosix-based cluster.
A Dragon Slaying openMosix Live
CD-based Distribution based upon RedHat that creates an instant openMosix cluster
(or adds an openMosix node). It is a Knoppix' like universal
"run-from-CD" Linux distribution, but this can boot and
run openMosix from the CD. And now comes Basilisk, a monster GUI (X/KDE Workstation) node with a
CHAOS is a CD-based Linux and openMosix cluster distribution.
The CHAOS distribution fits on a single business card sized CD-ROM.
This tiny disc will boot any i586 class PC (that supports CD booting), into a working
openMosix node, without disturbing (or even touching) the contents of any local hard disk. Ideal for large-scale
ad hoc clusters, once booted, CHAOS runs from memory allowing the CD to be used on the next node (and allowing for automated rebooting into the host OS).
CHAOS aims to be the most compact, secure and straight-forward
openMosix cluster platform available.
Securely deploying openMosix over an untrusted networking
infrastructure using IPSEC (Network Level Encryption and Authentication).
This includes the background information for the alternate
openMosix node autodiscovery (tyd) available for using CHAOS with
Or in Ian's words, "This white paper explores the
openMosix network architecture, network level risk mitigation
techniques for the redeployment of organizational infrastructure
in 'open' clusters, a practical application of those techniques in
the CHAOS and ClusterKnoppix Linux distributions, and proposals
for extending both the security model and the flexibility of the
openMosix architecture."
Tricia's GSEC Certification paper on Open Source clustering and Open Source security.
Evan's kernel patch will enable encryption on all the data and
information that migrates between openMosix nodes, specifically
ports 0x3214 and 0x3415. (This will not encrypt any
non-openMosix related traffic.) |
In Ian's words, "HowTo:
Heterogeneous Clusters: Running ClusterKnoppix as a Master Node to
a CHAOS Drone Army". Boot a ClusterKnoppix (or
Quantian) "master node" from CD and then boot CHAOS
"drone nodes" from CD. It take less than a minute
to securely add another CHAOS "drone node" using unicast
for autodiscovery (you key in the IP of the "master
node" or an already connected "drone node"), packet filtering and IPSEC tunnels
for "no user intervention required" security.
ClusterKnoppix is a full openMosix Cluster +
Knoppix + XFree + openMosixview bootable CD which can be a
'terminal server' that allows clients to boot over the network by
PXE. (new, alternate autodiscovery for CHAOS) fmII
Quantian is a Scientific Computing
Environment based upon ClusterKnoppix. Provides an instant
cluster of mathematical+scientific workstations from a bootable
CD. Most of the included software packages have a
demo-section making Quantian extremely useful for demonstrations.
A single floppy openMosix Linux mini-distribution designed for
diskless systems. fmII
Jaromil Rastafari - 
Boot the dyne:bolic CD and you have an openMosix Cluster for multimedia production.
You can manipulate and broadcast both sound and video with tools to record, edit, encode and stream, all using only free software!
Paul Gray -
Bootable Cluster CD
The bootable cluster cd (BCCD) provides a boot-up openMosix clustering solution that is intended
primarily for cluster computing education. It's motivation is undergraduate institutions with lots of W2K labs, but no funds to purchase or staff a cluster. Clustering Education! What better way than to show off what openMosix
can do?
presents another great openMosix HowTo. Includes everything
you need other than "Ready on the set, and action"!
Matt's openMosix loadmeter is an external, analog measuring device
which shows the mean openMosix-cluster load.
Build your own "geeky eye-catcher" with your Lego
Mindstorm Kit.
The bubbleload monitor is a tiny, nice and multi-purpose
system-monitoring application connectable to any data-source in an
easy way.
Matt's self-made wearable computer is an openMosix node. Or,
does that make Matt an openMosix node?
This is the patch
modified to apply against the openMosix patched kernel.
This patch allows you to make mpich use mosrun rather than rsh.
It is an advantage for every mpich-program running on an openMosix cluster.
A review of an openMosix cluster with a FireWire based
openMosix 2.4.22-1 + Robert Love's (rml) Variable HZ timing kernel patch.
This patch emulates 2.6 style HZ timing and will increase overall performance.
Patch your Kernel with openMosix 2.4.22-1 then apply this patch.
Sentinix includes: Nagios, Nagat, Snort, SnortCenter, ACID, Cacti, RRDTool, Nessus, Postfix,
MailScanner, SpamAssassin, MySQL, Apache, PHP, Perl, Python
and lots more. openMosix is running when the system is
installed. The installed network/service monitoring
tools are pre-configured, started and working as soon as it
boots. Install Sentinix inside your cluster's firewall and
you are monitoring the nodes of an openMosix cluster (currently,
you be using the same kernel-version/config).
A mini-HowTo about adding XFS support in your openMosix 2.4.22 kernel.
El cisilia es un sistema de obtención de contraseñas
multiproceso. (under R&D Project look for Cisilia.)
Many Political Science problems are are computationally expensive and benefit from openMosix' transparent operation and ease of deployment.
A step-by-step explanation of how to set up your own
auto-assimilating diskless GNU/Linux cluster. This document
starts with a very basic introduction and increases in technical
level while guiding you though selection of hardware, software,
installation, and configuration of this special type of cluster
capable of estimating large statistical models using simulation,
including Supreme Court
justice decisions.
Kevin's autocluster is an alternative to openMosix'
How To use openMosix' ability to restrict the load imposed by the various processes running on an openMosix cluster. Through the use of the various parameters relating to LOADLIMIT, it is possible to prevent a node from being overwhelmed by jobs running on it. It is now possible to specify how much CPU time a particular node will allow to be consumed by openMosix jobs running on it, so as to control exactly what load that node will accept and to forcibly migrate any jobs that impose too great a load away to other nodes.
A sample script in Python implements a simple job queue. The commands to be executed are stored in a list ('queue') and the nodes on which to run them in a second list ('nodes'). The script executes the jobs one after another locked to the nodes listed, waiting for the previous job to finish before starting a new one.
Long jobs could be queued so that they are started on the home node and allowed to migrate instead.
Launch a task on any remote node but not home node. Similar
to runon but it checks all running nodes and then automatically
creates a correct list for mosrun -j option, including all nodes
in state 3 but not home node. Since using this script
everything (high IO task on LTSP)
is running better - no problem with flooding home node - and also
much faster.
Ripping in Music City! Sean's Electric Mayhem is a most
unusual openMosix cluster.
is a Presentation Introducing openMosix (Italian)
Lo scopo di questo scritto é la tracciatura passo-passo delle operazioni
necessarie alla creazione di un cluster openMosix usando DEBIAN e patchando
manualemte il kernel. (openMosix Debian HowTo Italian)
Ecco qui un howto per creare un cluster openMosix indipendentemente dalla
distro presente sui nodi.
Scope of this paper is to take track of different level of prestations of a cluster of 4 nodes, in function of network topology (Italian and English version)
Lo scopo di questo scritto e' la tracciatura dei differenti livelli prestazionali forniti da un cluster di 4 PC, in funzione della topologia di rete con la quale verranno interconnesse le macchine. (Italian and English version)
Barnowl's Current Slackware 9.x packages
Alessandro Bonfanti -
( Povray
qt *
kde )
is a tool designed to provide parallel Povray rendering in an openMosix environment.
POVmosix splits the scene into a set of sub-jobs which can be migrated by
openMosix for rendering. When all sub-jobs are finished, the completed
scene image is generated.
Discarded Equipment + Gentoo Linux + openMosix = Zero Cost Clustering
(El CID, Cluster In Development)
How to set up and run coLinux with openMosix. This will enable you to integrate a coLinux virtual machine into your existing openMosix cluster.
Ian Latter -
CosMos is CHAOS-OS on Microsoft-OS) |
Named for the Harpy Eagle, an aggressive hunter, the openMosix
based HARPY hunts for idle Windows PC resources.
Etienne Bagnoud -
coMosix is the mix of coLinux, openMosix and some other Linux hack
to create an easy to use clustering solution. coMosix provides a
simple (silent-)installer that can be "thrown" over a Windows
eucaristOS is a Linux distribution for spontaneous openMosix
cluster building in obsolete hardware. This is a mini-distribution and it's entirely
contained in a standard 1.44Mb foppy.
Ivan's mini-HOWTO summarizing his experience with
Sun Grid Engine plus oM/MFS/DFSA for distributed BLAST.
Describes the methods that have been used to setup, control and maintain an openMosix cluster with Lunar-Linux.
Cluster Xbox intends to have the largest Xbox openMosix cluster built
from Xbox game consoles. dyne:bolic had our first report of
openMosix on Xbox, but Cluster Xbox goes for the largest Xbox cluster.
When completed this project will be donated for educational use. must change its name. Suggest a new name via
email: submit at
How to build your own boot CD using Martin Purschke's Setup/Boot
CD |
GoMF is a single floppy openMosix Linux mini-distro designed to
quickly add CPU/Memory resources to an openMosix cluster. The
floppy includes the auto discovery daemon and some user tools
like mosctl, mosrun, mosmon, mps, setpe. |
Is a Morphix-like Live-CD distro of openMosix. |
Programs that frequently execute the sys_time function, such as SETI@home, show remarkable improvements by executing this clock function on the current openMosix node.
WARNING: It is critical to sync all the clocks in the cluster.
(Typical of many openMosix contributions, this innovations benefits from stepwise improvements.
David Black's original patch was improved by Vincent Hanquez (Tab), then by Tony Travis.) |
Group - Is SETI a great application for
demonstrating openMosix? It does not really matter; many
openMosix users love contributing to the Search and SETI runs on
their clusters. If you contribute to SETI, why not join the
openMosix SETI@home Group?
Team - RSA Labs'
72bit RC5 Encryption Challenge. Want to help win the prize?
Protein folding can be viewed as a connection between the
genome and what the proteins actually do.
Folding@home does not migrate, but
we do it anyway.
is a small utility that can be used to test how well an openMosix
cluster performs under stress. |
A high performance solution for image classification in GRASS at
meso-scale and high spatial resolution. A script-based approach to
run standard GRASS on an openMosix cluster (20 PCs, 40 CPUs) has
been implemented to classify multispectral color orthophotos with
SMAP algorithm. |
Digital Elevation Model Terrain Analysis, creating a line of site raster from a specified
point with openMosix. |
R, Octave, Maxima, GSL, QuantLib, Grass, OpenDX, Tex, and openMosix. |
Using Ranimate to distribute Single Frame Rendering Processes in
an openMosix Cluster. |
omuscd is for use with the
openMosix 2.6 |
The Simple Open Mosix 2.6 project is an effort to continue the porting
work started by the Open Mosix team to support all major
architectures on the latest 2.6 linux kernels. |
Description of your contribution could be here.